About the Decpac® Ramp System

The Multi-panel DECPAC® ramp concept ensures that ALL wheelchairs and Scooters (3 and 4 wheels) and their assistants, can safely and easily climb steps and obstacles which limit access to houses, shops and vehicles.

The DECPAC® ramp gives the freedom of choice to those people who have for so long been denied.

The Light, Strong Composite structure enables DECPAC® ramps to be easily carried and deployed, and allows the smaller models to be stored on the back of a wheelchair or in the boot of a normal car.



Disabled Passengers

DECPAC® ramps can be used to assist Disabled Passengers WHEREVER they need assistance, either on the platforms or onto a train, into vehicles and buses, in and out of Public and Private buildings or wherever they are needed.

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Well Travelled

DECPAC® ramps ensure Disabled users are no longer prevented from being trapped in homes and buildings because access equipment is not available to enable them to get out and about.

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Company Profile

It’s childs play

DECPAC® ramps are easy to use and store. The simple design enables everyone to operate the ramps, and gives useful assistance to disabled people in the home or at work, with a very short period of training.

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